
News Details

EEBA Annual Directory - Data Submissions

The questionnaires for the Twenty-Seventh edition of the EEBA Annual Directory are now available on-line.  We would be grateful if Eye Bank Corresponding Members could insert all their eye banking data for the calendar year 2017 (by 28 June 2018 at the latest).

Copies of the EEBA Website Manual are available from the Executive Officer (admin@europeaneyebanks.org) or the EEBA web-administrator (hbmbankagl@t-online.de) who are also available to answer any questions or queries relating to the compilation of the questionnaires (Step A and B).

In addition, Eye Bank Corresponding Members should check the profile of their individual bank on the EEBA web-site, along with the details relating to their country's transplant legislation, and notify us if there are amendments to be made (relevant pages can be found by clicking on the button "EEBA Directory & Country Profiles").

Many thanks for your patience, understanding and support in this endeavour.

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