
News Details

2014 EEBA Funding Initiatives - Call for Applications (Deadline: 20/12/2013)

Applications are welcome for the three new EEBA funding initiatives, specifically targeted at Young Technicians, Experienced Eye Bankers, and Training Providers for New Eye Bankers, which are supported from funds donated by previous organisers of the EEBA Annual Meeting.

These three innovative grant schemes, in addition to the long-standing Annual Meeting Travel Grant, were conceived in order to offer special training opportunities for EEBA members and are entitled as follows:

  • EEBA Travel Fellowship Grant for Young Technicians
  • EEBA Visiting Fellowship Grant for Experienced Eye Bankers
  • EEBA Regional Seminar/Workshop Grants for New Eye Bankers 


Full details of these special training opportunities can be downloaded here.

All grant applications will be reviewed in person by the EEBA President, Vice President and Secretary and funding decisions will be based as much as possible on the needs expressed by the applicant and on what the individual(s) may get from the grant and what the applicant’s experience may bring to the Association.

The deadline date for formal applications for all of the funding initiatives is the 20th of December 2013 and anyone interested in applying for any of the aforementioned grants should contact the EEBA Executive Officer for further details (Tel: +39 041 9656422; Fax: +39 041 9656421; E-mail: admin@europeaneyebanks.org

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