

Legislation Switzerland


  • Donation is regulated in the Federal Law dated 8 October 2004 concerning the transplantation of organs, tissus and cells (Transplant Law, SR 810.21).
  • According to the Transplant Law, all over Switzerland, organ, tissue and cell donation is an opting in system. The will can be expressed on a written document (donor card), expressed by the next of kin ("The decision of the next of kin must be guided by what they believe the deceased person would have wanted") or a trusted person delegated by the deceased person.

Cornea banking:

  • According to the Transplant Law, an authorization issued by the Federal Office of Public Health as the competent authority is required.
  • An inspection of the eye banks is required in connection with the authorization. The criteria for authorization are defined by the Transplant Law and the corresponding ordinances.
  • The storage solution is considered as vehicle and requirements are defined in the Federal Law dated 15 December 2000 on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (Law on Therapeutic Products, LTP, SR 812.21).

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