
Czech Republic

Legislation Czech Republic


  • Act No 285/2002 Coll. concerning organ donation has existed since September 2002 (Transplantation Act).
  • Commission Directives 2004/23/EC, 2006/17/EC and 2006/86/EC are implemented in Czech Directive Decree No 422/2008 Coll., concerning the detailed requirements for safeguarding the quality and safety of human tissues and cells intended for use in man and Act No 296/2008 Coll., on safeguarding the quality and safety of human tissues and cells intended for use in man and on amendments to related acts (Act on human tissues and cells).
  • The 'Regulation on health capability of donors' covers safety aspects of donation.  
  • Organ/tissue donation is an opting out system (presumed consent): A 'register of people who do not agree with retrieval of organs/tissues is existing since September 2004.
  • The Czech Republic is the only country in the world where legislation requires the testing of brain tissue from every eye tissue donor for the presence of pathogenic prions from January 2007 on.


Cornea banking:

  • Eye banks need accreditation from the State Institute for Drug Control as the competent authority. This is granted after inspection and evaluation with regards to Czech legislation.
  • State Institute for Drug Control is an organizational unit of the state, superior authority is the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic.
  • A national Eye Bank organization does not exist.
  • Eye/tissue banks are affiliated with the Czech Transplant Society.

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